My Projects
These are a few project I am very proud of!
Battery Optimized Onsite Swapping Technology (B.O.O.S.T.) is a robot I developed part of my senior capstone design course. The robot addresses the problem of finite battery life in field robotics and won our team the Gorlov Innovation Award. This project was further developed into the IEEE paper Multi-Agent Battery Swapping System for Sustained Operation of Large Planetary Fleets.

NASA Mars Ice Challenge: P.A.R.S.E.C.
PARSEC is a robot that I designed and am producing as part of the 2021 NASA Moon to Mars Ice and Prospecting challenge. The robot autonomously melted and extracted subterranean ice from a simulated Martian surface. PARSEC won 2nd place overall and best technical paper in the 2021 NASA Mars Ice Challenge!
Droplet Impact Research
Research at Northeastern University studying various phenomena related to liquid droplets impacting liquid pools and substrates. I take high speed videos of various liquid interactions and evaluate the behavior using a Matlab image processing script. Applications to spray combustion processes, industrial spray painting, inkjet printing, and airborne pollution mitigation.
Automatic Pill Dispenser
An automatic pill dispenser which dispenses specified amounts of medication at set intervals. This is a project I worked on during my first year engineering course. The target consumer of this device is anyone who may have a lot of medications and/or may not remember to take their medication.